Tag: Jessie Buckley

  • REVIEW: Women Talking

    REVIEW: Women Talking

    (spoiler free) Based on Miriam Towers’ novel of the same name, Sarah Polley’s Women Talking tells the story of a group of women in an isolated Mennonite colony. The group meet to discuss what action they should take in response to the violence they have been, and are continually, subjected to by the men who…

  • REVIEW: Men

    REVIEW: Men

    (spoiler free) After blowing us all away with Ex Machina and Annihilation, Alex Garland is back in the director’s chair with Men, a supernatural thriller so tepid and superficial that you’d actually think a filmmaker like Neil Breen wrote, directed, and produced it, but on a larger budget. Very little works about Men, because it…

  • Wild Rose

    (spoiler free) As the Queen of Country Dolly Parton famously sings; “Workin’ 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin’”, but that life just ain’t for everyone. Fresh from her breakthrough performance in psychological thriller ‘Beast’, Jessie Buckley is back in new music drama ‘Wild Rose’. She plays a young Glaswegian woman, Rose-Lynn…