

(spoiler free)

I am a huge fan of shark movies, I have and own far too many but there is just something about them that I love, it’s fun to guess who will make it to the end and see if your favorite will survive or not. Shark films are hard to get right you either have to make it really tense and avoid the gimmicks (Jaws) or you just make it so ridiculous that it becomes entertaining (Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus). Unfortunately Bait sort of fell into the middle of these and ended up underwhelming.

Bait did have a good concept, a shark loose in a flooded shopping centre but they kept the story to only two areas which was a mistake, they should have used the whole centre. It was all very predictable too which was a shame. In addition to this as this film was originally made for 3D the graphics weren’t great and the sharks looked unrealistic on occasions.

For a shark movie there wasn’t really that much tension which was a pity because I did like the idea behind it. One redeeming factor was the movies tagline, “Coming to a store near you”, I’ll give it that.

BIGGEST FLAW – Special effects


Rating – 4/10

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