The Grand Budapest Hotel (Cinema Screening)


(Spoiler free)

The Grand Budapest Hotel (TGBH) intrigued me from the first trailer I saw, it looked different, refreshingly different.  That paired with the impressive cast featured was enough to get me to the cinema, its quite strange because often I am not a fan of the more quirky films, readers of my blogs will know that I like my trashy action films.  One other factor that drew me to TGBH was also of course Edward Norton, with Fight Club being my favourite movie ever, anything with Norton will be able to grasp my attention.

Anyway, the plot is outlined in the trailers very well and it is really easy to follow which I loved! So many films these days are over complicated and can take several watches to fully grasp but this was not as issue with TGBH.  The film was quirky but quirky in a really good way because normally if someone describes a film like this it would put me off but there was just something about this that I really liked.  The whole style of the film was pretty cool, between the music, the different parts it was divided into and the unrealistic landscape shots it was just very innovative and imaginative warranting the film praise. I do love films that have lots of big names featured as it is always fun to see someone you know pop up, there were numerous small parts littered throughout the film but I did enjoy seeing Edward Norton the best, of course I am biased but his inclusion in the film really did make it for me!

TGBH was consistently and subtly entertaining, it reminded me of a book that you would have read in English at school, just the fact that it had so many characters and such an interesting story but at the same time being oh so random.  TGBH was funny, not outrageously funny but there were a couple of great laughs and then some smaller ones but that is all it really needed.  Although I think it could have benefited from the inclusion of more slapstick humor, this was present but it definitely could have been pushed further for greater impact!  Ralph Fiennes was  great as the lead character and performed well throughout, I also loved the relationship between him and Tony Revolori the lobby boy, it was genuinely amusing to watch and there was a good sentiment between the pair. TGBH is probably a film I will revisit in the future and most definitely one of the better efforts put forward in terms of the films released so far in 2014.

BIGGEST FLAW – Could have had more slapstick

BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT – The style that the film had

The Grand Budapest Hotel presents an intriguing storyline delivered by some of the most well known and loved actors and actresses whilst not taking itself too seriously, this is the reason why it is such a success.

Rating – 8/10


5 responses to “The Grand Budapest Hotel (Cinema Screening)”

  1. Hypersonic55 Avatar

    Great review yo, I saw this film just over a week ago and really liked it. It had such a intriguing and humorous trailer and a stellar cast, I just had to see. And while I don’t love it as much as Moonrise Kingdom, this is still a fine film with such a bizarre and yet refreshing style.

    1. hambo94 Avatar

      Yeah I agree man, you are the second person to mention Moonrise Kingdom, so I think I may have to check this out! That last sentence of your comment sums it up so well!

  2. liamdoesfilm Avatar

    Good review! Haven’t seen this yet but I’m not sure if I will! The humour for me would be the biggest attraction but I feel the trailer most likely gives away the most funniest moments1 I might get this on DVD for a viewing 🙂

    1. hambo94 Avatar

      Thank you, I would agree partially with that as a lot of the trailer is filled with laughs from the film however there were 2 specific other laughs that aren’t in the trailer which are worth it! DVD is probably a good shout though!

  3. The 5th Wave | HCMovieReviews Avatar

    […] them to shine. However, it was cool to see so many up and coming actors star in the movie. Star of ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’ and ‘Dope’ Tony Revolori features here but he is probably the most underused of any […]

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