The Inbetweeners 2 (Cinema Screening)


So the stars of one of the most loved British comedies in years return for a second time to the big screen. After the standard ‘lad’ holiday the guys have moved on to university and in this film embark on that glorious gap year/traveling stage of life and of course all that you would expect from the inbetweeners, and more, goes down!

Firstly I am really happy that the guys decided to make a second film after the end of the last film you couldn’t help but hope that this wouldn’t be the last we would see of the guys. Anyway this time round the guys are thrown into the backpacking game and of course this just provides endless laughs and numerous ridiculous situations arise from this. Anyway lets get down to it, does this sequel cut it? Overall yeah it does. It has everything you would expect from an Inbetweeners movie. Much like its predecessor the film is horrendously crude, more so actually. It is a shame in a way because for me, this moments were the least funny. Yeah they are outrageous and they make this comedy stand out from the crowd however they didn’t provoke many laughs instead they were met with gasps of disbelief. However I suppose this wouldn’t have been an Inbetweeners movie without those moments.

Despite these moments the rest of the film is actually drenched in brilliant comedic value, this film absolutely nails the whole ‘gap year’ scene. This was done so well and for me it was these moments that were the funniest. It was brutally honest and just presented the views that most people have of this whole scene. On top of this the other highlights had to be Will’s campfire rendition of ‘The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face’ and a brilliant scene including a rape alarm. Will and Neil were definitely the stars of this installment, with Jay becoming even more crude than usual and Simon just not that doing much it was easy for the other two to steal the limelight. In addition to the comedy on offer we get some great cameos from some of the more minor characters from the television series, look out for an unexpected but brilliant one just before the end of the film.

In the end The Inbetweeners 2 is probably more consistently funny that the first effort however it takes the crudeness too far on a few occasions and isn’t as memorable as the first film. What it needed was another ‘We No Speak Americano’ kind of moment that was received so well in the first film. Anyway fans of this show will love this movie and you are guaranteed plenty of laughs so get your tickets and enjoy!

BIGGEST FLAW – Unnecessarily crude at points

BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT – Humour regarding gap years and traveling

Rating – 8/10


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