

(spoiler free)

I love action movies, and I am easily pleased by most. A few explosions and a decent car chase will keep me happy but unfortunately Shooter has to be the worst action movie I have ever seen – there would be more action in a period drama.

This film was unbelievably slow paced to the extent where I actually became bored and was thinking whether or not to finish the movie. When an action sequence finally arrived it was so disappointing, it was unrealistic, unexciting and just as bad as the rest of the film. Another issue was the fact that you couldn’t make out what half the actors were saying most of the time (but maybe this was a good thing). The storyline began with an element of intrigue but quickly escalated into ridiculousness and became uninteresting at an incredible pace.

It has to be said that this film has the worst walking away from an explosion sequence I have ever seen, it just looked awkward and unimpressive.

BIGGEST FLAW – Everything (see above)

BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT – When it finally ended

Do not watch this film it was a complete waste of time and provided no entertainment.

Rating – 0/10

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