Tag: Magic

  • The House With a Clock in Its Walls

    (spoiler free) Far from Eli Roth’s usual hyper violent and often grotesque style of film-making is his latest directorial effort, adapted from the seventies novel of the same name; ‘The House with a Clock in Its Walls’. Starring Jack Black and Cate Blanchett would Roth be able to deliver with something so tame in comparison…

  • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

    (spoiler free) I’ll be the first to admit that I was never the biggest Harry Potter fan, I certainly appreciated some aspects of the films and I was always amazed by the imagination of J.K. Rowling but I never got the buzz around it that everyone else did. The aspect I probably enjoyed most about…

  • Kubo and the Two Strings

    (spoiler free) Whether it was a martial arts panda, a bunny trying to become a police officer, a talking sausage or puppets having sex 2016 has had its fair share of animations. Varying in quality and success there’s been more of them than disappointing blockbusters this year. ‘Kubo and the Two Strings’ is the tenth…

  • Now You See Me 2

    Now You See Me 2

    (spoiler free) I can’t say that I was a fan of the original ‘Now You See Me’ film. At the time of watching it I suppose I thought that it was ok but as the months and years past I really developed quite a strong dislike for the film. It’s no shocker that I didn’t…

  • The Prestige (DVD Screening)

    (Spoilers) Magic is one theme that I have never been fond of in movies.  I never caught on to all the Harry Potter buzz, admittedly I did give it a chance however none of the franchise really excited me that much. Even if we look back one year we find the hugely successful Now You…

  • Now You See Me

    (spoilers) Ever since I saw the trailer for this movie I knew it was one I wanted to make sure that I went to see when it was released. It looked like a really interesting concept and something fresh for the heist genre. The ensemble of big names in the cast also intrigued me. I…