Tag: Jason Statham

  • The Expendables 3 (Cinema Screening)

    (Spoilers) This is the first time that I have been able to watch an Expendables movie in the cinema, having watched both of the previous films this year on DVD. I was certainly excited to see this movie on the big screen, with its ever expanding cast and ridiculous action there isn’t really anything else…

  • The Expendables 2 (DVD Screening)

    (Spoilers) With the third film in this franchise coming out this week I thought I better get a move along with the series and check out what The Expendables 2 had to offer and to see if it made any progress from the first film. Stallone returns with a larger cast that the first film…

  • Transporter 3 (DVD Screening)

    (Spoilers) It has taken me quite some time to complete my viewing of The Transporter trilogy, after the abysmal effort of the first film I am actually surprised that I continued to pursue this series. Saying that the second outing was a vast improvement however still was quite unmemorable and didn’t really excite me for…

  • The Expendables (DVD Screening)

    (Spoilers) I am surprised with myself that I hadn’t seen this movie until now, as an action junkie you would think that I would have been all over this release! Action is quite possibly my favourite genre and it would seem that The Expendables had everything going for it to be a serious contender within…

  • Salt (DVD Screening)

    (Spoiler free) Salt was a film that when it was released in 2010 that I did want to see, however I missed its run in the cinema and simply haven’t managed to see it until now. I remember hearing very mixed reports about this film, but if I remember correctly most of the responses were…

  • The Mechanic (DVD Screening)

    (Spoilers) After shall we say a somewhat disappointing string of Statham movies that I have seen recently I was beginning to lose faith in the Stath!  However even still I can’t resist a cheapo action DVD starring the man himself, so the latest one I picked up was The Mechanic. The Mechanic is a return…

  • Transporter 2 (DVD Screening)

    (Spoilers) If you are a frequent reader of my blog you will know that I am a big fan of Jason Statham, and I recently watched The Transporter.  Unfortunately I thought that it was awful, like really bad. However when I had bought the first film I also opted to buy the 2nd in this…

  • Homefront (Cinema Screening)

    (Spoilers) I had heard very little about this film, up until about 1 week before its release however from the TV trailers I had gauged that it was basically Taken with Jason Statham playing the kick-ass father rather than Liam Neeson.  If you are a frequent reader of my blog you will know that this…

  • The Transporter (DVD Screening)

    (Spoiler free) I recently picked up a stack of Jason Statham films with the intention of having some brilliant action movie viewing ahead of me.  I decided that I would kick off with The Transporter, with what seemed like a simple but good plot I was excited to see Statham do his thing, this never…

  • Parker (DVD Screening)

    (Spoilers) Jason Statham and Jennifer Lopez in a classic revenge style action flick, I should have loved it, unfortunately this wasn’t the case.  Parker has it all on paper, good leads for this genre and a plot that encompasses heists and revenge however Parker suffers from a pacing issue for the most of the screen…